iPod User Group

Where do all the T68i's go?

With the next wave of camera, video, pda, wifi phones hitting the market… what happens to all of the formerly snazzy
Sony Ericsson T68i
phones? Sure they’re yesterday’s news, but there’s got to be someone who wants them…

With the next wave of camera, video, pda, wifi phones hitting the market… what happens to all of the
Sony Ericsson T68i
phones? Sure they’re yesterday’s news, but there’s got to be someone who wants them.
Well there is… and despite the prices going for $50 ( w/contract) and the keyboard going for $11 (BatteryOutlet) there are people like me who want to get in on the action. Still saddled with a monocrome screen, CDMA and no Mac interconnectivity, let’s set up a swap : shop message board so those moving on to today’s technology can pass on yesterday’s to people like me. 🙂 This way, when tomorrow eclipses today’s there’ll be someplace to put it all.
Start your deal making on the PowerPage message boards. -Ed

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.