iPod User Group

What to do When Your AirPort Base Station Dies

My first generation AirPort Base Station died today. The unplug and hit HARD twice method refused to work. So off to CompUSA I went…

My first generation AirPort Base Station died today. The unplug and hit HARD twice method refused to work. So off to CompUSA I went.
When I got there I was presented with two options:
1. Buy a new AirPort Extreme Base Station for US$213.96 or get a D-Link 802.11b four port router/base station for US$85.46. But I have a Pismo which could never dream of Extreme, although the USB port might be nice to run my Epson printer.
But US$118.50 to have a wireless printer? Please! So the D-Link it was, and you know what? It was dead simple to install, it’s way faster than my first generation AirPort Base Station, and it hasn’t crashed yet. Plus I get about twice the range!
Needless to say I looked it up on and I could have gotten the same unit refurbished for US$29.95, but time and money rarely coexist.
Lesson to Apple: Hope and pray that most Mac users want an easy, brand unified architecture.
Happy in wireless land…

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.