My first generation AirPort Base Station died today. The unplug and hit HARD twice method refused to work. So off to CompUSA I went…
My first generation AirPort Base Station died today. The unplug and hit HARD twice method refused to work. So off to CompUSA I went.
When I got there I was presented with two options:
1. Buy a new AirPort Extreme Base Station for US$213.96 or get a D-Link 802.11b four port router/base station for US$85.46. But I have a Pismo which could never dream of Extreme, although the USB port might be nice to run my Epson printer.
But US$118.50 to have a wireless printer? Please! So the D-Link it was, and you know what? It was dead simple to install, it’s way faster than my first generation AirPort Base Station, and it hasn’t crashed yet. Plus I get about twice the range!
Needless to say I looked it up on and I could have gotten the same unit refurbished for US$29.95, but time and money rarely coexist.
Lesson to Apple: Hope and pray that most Mac users want an easy, brand unified architecture.
Happy in wireless land…