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Thundering herd of turtles takes down PowerPage for Monday, September 19th

A thundering (and entirely terrifying) herd of turtles took down O’Grady’s PowerPage for the duration of Monday, September 19th, wherein users noted assorted WordPress and 404-related server errors.

The turtles, most equipped with at least a bachelor’s in Computer Science degree, demanded vast quantities of triple washed lettuce, assorted warm rocks to sunbathe on, and fresh spring water to wash the aforementioned lettuce down. They then proceeded to upgrade the PowerPage’s WordPress back end, albeit with roughly 24 hours of service interruptions.

After a period of time, the turtles restored service to the informative website, demanded pizza, and wandered off in the general direction of a Whole Foods, where the lettuce is said to be second to none. PowerPage staff were somewhat traumatized by the whole experience, but have sworn to keep bringing you Mac, iOS, and mobile news, rumors, and features despite the demands of their new, slow moving, reptilian overlords.

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