I’m taking a couple of days off pre-Macworld Expo and while chilling down in Florida with my family my wife suggested looking for an iPhone app that played Auld Lang Syne and/or had a New Year’s Eve countdown timer. I find them all rolled into one – for free.
New Year’s Blowout Horn! (iTunes, free) is a fun little iPhone app to help you ring in 2009. It combines a countdown timer (to NYE obviously) and a blow-up noisemaker that you engage by blowing into the iPhone microphone (think Ocarina). It also plays Auld Lange Syne at the stroke of midnight or when you click on the “i” icon.
The perfect combination of silly and free.
40 replies on “PowerPage 2009 test post”
Also, it seems the links for About, Home, Etc, Etc. went missing.
I think ppl are forgetting to post here or is there problem?
Also, it seems the links for About, Home, Etc, Etc. went missing.
I think ppl are forgetting to post here or is there problem?
In reality I don't think it will get that far
ha! the 'ago' moved down
just another reply
and another
and another
even more
wow I wonder how off right this can go..
wow I wonder how off right this can go..
blaba ba
Ok let's just Blah blah blah to test this thing thoroughly
ooh why is that Previous Post at the bottom blue. I thought I fixed that.. it's hardly readable..
That side bar doesn't look so good does it?
Those twits are taking up too much space (?)
Anyone guess what my avatar is?
Wow! Disqus looks good.
My first comment! HOLLA!
most of the social links are broken but we're working on that. good idea about the facebook button. will add it
But…but…you didn't DO any replies. Are you trying to undermine our nation?
Still no button for Facebook. There must be a Facebook Connect component for WordPress.
Same for forums, but kind of expected that. Some hooks missing?
ok, actually says “Not Found”.
So if you hit the “Comments” box under the post it barfs and says “Can't be found”. That can't be good.
Yep, replies are what this nation was BUILT UPON!
You know what's really fun?
So what is the PP going to use for the forums? Will that just be hooked into the current system, or is it getting updated too?
A reply to your reply to a reply to a reply. Yeah, aren't we clever?
…but I'm apparently not up to date on some of the features since I'm not sure what I just did with that link command. =-/
Heh! See this is the cool part…I'm already logged in to Disqus so I just hit the page and I'm all ready to comment away!
Comment 5
comment 4
reply to a reply to a reply
Reply to my own comment
Another test comment
This is a test comment. badass!