
The Case of the Stolen PowerBook

It?s been a while since I?ve posted here. This is mostly because I?ve been busy but at least partially because I?ve been a little demotivated to sit in front of a computer for much time. My friends and family are tired of hearing me whine about it, but my PowerBook was stolen while traveling on a train in Brussels about a month ago. I?m not going to whine any further here; The story has a happy ending. There may be some useful information for laptop owners to take with them. Read More at
Ever had your PowerBook stolen? What are you techniques for keeping your PowerBook safe while traveling?

It?s been a while since I?ve posted here. This is mostly because I?ve been busy but at least partially because I?ve been a little demotivated to sit in front of a computer for much time. My friends and family are tired of hearing me whine about it, but my PowerBook was stolen while traveling on a train in Brussels about a month ago. I?m not going to whine any further here; The story has a happy ending. There may be some useful information for laptop owners to take with them. Read More at
Ever had your PowerBook stolen? What are you techniques for keeping your PowerBook safe while traveling?

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.