MacBook Pro

The Apple Core: Thermal Grease Theory

MBP-thermal-grease.jpgThere’s a theory making the rounds that the MacBook Pro’s high temperatures are attributed to a misapplication of “thermal grease” that’s applied to the CPU and GPU chips during the manufacturing process.
A post by Interrupting Moss on the Something Awful forums mentions that “it just takes a slight misapplication of thermal grease on a MacBook Pro to make the temperatures skyrocket.”
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

MBP-thermal-grease.jpgThere’s a theory making the rounds that the MacBook Pro’s high temperatures are attributed to a misapplication of “thermal grease” that’s applied to the CPU and GPU chips during the manufacturing process.
A post by Interrupting Moss on the Something Awful forums mentions that “it just takes a slight misapplication of thermal grease on a MacBook Pro to make the temperatures skyrocket.”
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.