The Apple Core

The Apple Core: More on the MacBook Pro SuperDrive

One of the most surprising things about the announcement of the the new MacBook Pro at Macworld Expo this week was Apple’s dropping the 8x burning double-layer SuperDrive in favor of an inferior 4x single-layer mechanism.
I was puzzled during his keynote address when Steve Jobs listed the specs of the new MacBook Pro with only a 4x SuperDrive, it was surely an error I thought. Why would Apple ship a 4x SuperDrive in a machine touted as so much faster than current PowerBooks? (The current PowerBook G4 ships with 8x SuperDrives.)
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

One of the most surprising things about the announcement of the the new MacBook Pro at Macworld Expo this week was Apple’s dropping the 8x burning double-layer SuperDrive in favor of an inferior 4x single-layer mechanism.
I was puzzled during his keynote address when Steve Jobs listed the specs of the new MacBook Pro with only a 4x SuperDrive, it was surely an error I thought. Why would Apple ship a 4x SuperDrive in a machine touted as so much faster than current PowerBooks? (The current PowerBook G4 ships with 8x SuperDrives.)
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.

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