The Apple Core

The Apple Core: MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Web Snafu

MBP-3-4-weeks.jpgThe roller coaster ride of Apple ship dates keeps on rolling. Yesterday I posted a note about a new third configuration of the MacBook Pro that Apple was offering on the high end – a previously unannounced 2.16GHz model.
When a sharp PowerPage reader noted that the new 2.16GHz MacBook Pro was being quoted as shipping in “1-3 days” from the Apple online store I rushed to place my order. Sure enough the confirmation page and the online order status page indicated that my new super-zippy 2.16GHz Mac Book Pro is “Estimated (to) Ship By” March 16th. I had jumped to the front of the line.
Until I got the phone call yesterday afternoon from Apple…
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

MBP-3-4-weeks.jpgThe roller coaster ride of Apple ship dates keeps on rolling. Yesterday I posted a note about a new third configuration of the MacBook Pro that Apple was offering on the high end – a previously unannounced 2.16GHz model.
When a sharp PowerPage reader noted that the new 2.16GHz MacBook Pro was being quoted as shipping in “1-3 days” from the Apple online store I rushed to place my order. Sure enough the confirmation page and the online order status page indicated that my new super-zippy 2.16GHz Mac Book Pro is “Estimated (to) Ship By” March 16th. I had jumped to the front of the line.
Until I got the phone call yesterday afternoon from Apple…
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.