In my first installment of iPhone’s missing features I outlined 13 features that I thought the iPhone was missing. Little did I realize that I missed a bunch – to the tune of 25 more.
Please keep a few thing in mind when reading these: a) I don’t expect Apple to add all these features in iPhone version 1.0, that would be impossible and make it cost around US$4,000.00 b) I don’t expect you to necessarily want all these features, and c) iPhone isn’t due to be released until June and a lot can change by then.
Some have cried that it’s not fair to criticize the iPhone before it’s even out, which is my exact point. Apple opened themself up to public opinion by announcing iPhone six months early and now is the perfect time to offer constructive criticism. What’s the point in doing so after the product is released? Then it’s too late.
With that, here are iPhone’s missing features – Part II…
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

In my first installment of iPhone’s missing features I outlined 13 features that I thought the iPhone was missing. Little did I realize that I missed a bunch – to the tune of 25 more.
Please keep a few thing in mind when reading these: a) I don’t expect Apple to add all these features in iPhone version 1.0, that would be impossible and make it cost around US$4,000.00 b) I don’t expect you to necessarily want all these features, and c) iPhone isn’t due to be released until June and a lot can change by then.
Some have cried that it’s not fair to criticize the iPhone before it’s even out, which is my exact point. Apple opened themself up to public opinion by announcing iPhone six months early and now is the perfect time to offer constructive criticism. What’s the point in doing so after the product is released? Then it’s too late.
With that, here are iPhone’s missing features – Part II…
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.