The Apple Core

The Apple Core: For Apple, Google is a better dance partner than YouTube

y now you’re aware that Google acquired YouTube for $1.65B in stock yesterday. Back in late August GigaOm’s Robert speculated that Apple was “the company that would benefit most” from an acquisition of YouTube. At the time, I wrote that an Apple acquisition of YouTube wasn’t as crazy as I originally thought but that Apple might have a problem with YouTube’s valuation and exposure to copyright claims.

googtube1.gifBy now you’re aware that Google acquired YouTube for $1.65B in stock yesterday. Back in late August GigaOm’s Robert speculated that Apple was “the company that would benefit most” from an acquisition of YouTube. At the time, I wrote that an Apple acquisition of YouTube wasn’t as crazy as I originally thought but that Apple might have a problem with YouTube’s valuation and exposure to copyright claims.
Now that Google’s picked up YouTube we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. In retrospect, Apple didn’t need YouTube and all its baggage, Google is a much better fit.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

googtube1.gifBy now you’re aware that Google acquired YouTube for $1.65B in stock yesterday. Back in late August GigaOm’s Robert speculated that Apple was “the company that would benefit most” from an acquisition of YouTube. At the time, I wrote that an Apple acquisition of YouTube wasn’t as crazy as I originally thought but that Apple might have a problem with YouTube’s valuation and exposure to copyright claims.
Now that Google’s picked up YouTube we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. In retrospect, Apple didn’t need YouTube and all its baggage, Google is a much better fit.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.