Per a report published on Wednesday by DigiTimes, Apple’s iPhone 15 will continue to feature Qualcomm 5G modems while Apple continues to work on its own custom-made 5G modem. Apple is currently developing an in-house 5G modem that aims to replace Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 5G chips within the coming years. The report today says that TSMC […]
Tag: wireless
It’s not a huge update, but it offers some useful fixes. Apple on Wednesday released iOS 16.1.2 for all users. The update, which is now available, offers security patches as well as the following fixes and changes: Improved compatibility with wireless carriers Crash Detection optimizations on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models With Crash […]
A good deal’s a good deal and Eero mesh routers tend to come in handy. Amazon eero mesh Wi-Fi 6 routers are on sale for Black Friday, with the HomeKit-compatible devices discounted by up to 40 percent off. Eero products double as a Zigbee smart home hub, and can be connected to Amazon’s Alexa assistant […]
Apple Black Friday through Cyber Monday retail event underway
APple’s annual four-dat Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale has begun in Australia and New Zealand, and has kicked off in the United States. As usual, customers are able to receive a free Apple gift card with the purchase of select products through November 28. The offer extends to iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, AirPods, […]
The AirPods Pro 2 earbuds may be worth their asking price, as a series of tests performed by musician and software developer Stephen Coyle has indicated that the new H2 chip inside the units offers significant improvements in Bluetooth signal latency. Latency has always been a downside of Bluetooth as well as other wireless technologies […]