Apple on Tuesday announced its third-generation Apple Pencil for iPad, the new unit arriving with a matte finish, a hidden, USB-C charging port, and a lower price point of $79. The new $79 Apple Pencil joins the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) and the Apple Pencil (1st generation) as a more affordable alternative. In terms of […]
Tag: wireless
Apple support document explains how macOS Sonoma’s Game Mode functions
If you snagged macOS Sonoma a few days ago, you may have been eager to try the operating system’s new Game Mode feature, which prioritizes CPU and GPU performance for games. Apple on Tuesday offered the following support document offering additional information as to how to use the feature: Game Mode optimizes your gaming experience […]
With Apple’s switch from the Lightning connector to USB-C for the upcoming iPhone 15 handsets and its release of a USB-C charging case, the company has now begun selling EarPods headphones with a USB-C connector. Apple now sells three versions of EarPods, including ones with a USB-C connector, a Lightning connector, and a 3.5mm headphone […]
Apple Card policy changes, Apple Card no longer available to finance SIM-free iPhone purchases in the U.S.
If you were hoping to use your Apple Card to finance a SIM-free iPhone, you’re going to have to look elsewhere. Apple on Tuesday updated its U.S. Apple Card Monthly Installment plan to require those who use the feature to purchase an iPhone that is linked to AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile. With this change, the […]
This past spring, both Verizon and AT&T raised the price of their wireless services. Now both carriers have shared that customers on legacy plans will be seeing another increase between $2.50 and $3/month per line. The increased prices from both Verizon and AT&T are set to take effect in August. AT&T has begun emailing customers […]