News Software

OnyX updated to 2.7.2

An update’s an update. OnyX, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.7.2. The new version, a 22.1 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Deleting the Fonts Cache improved. – Deleting the Applications Cache improved. – Deleting the temporary items improved. – New option: […]

iOS Rumor

iOS 7 user interface rumors fly, concept animation surfaces

And now comes the rumor mill and concept art. Per 9to5Mac, Apple’s Jony Ive seems to be focusing iOS 7’s user interface on widgets and lock screen enhancements. Since a picture’s worth a thousand words, designer F. Bianco certainly gives us a taste of the possibilities constructed the following movie which shows concepts such as […]

News Software

Apple to officially end MobileMe sync for certain features in iCloud transition

Apple’s transition to the iCloud is coming and it won’t always be easy… Per AppleInsider, while many of the features of MobileMe are simply being upgraded in the move to iCloud, Apple has previously noted that Gallery, iDisk and iWeb are on the chopping block. Now, the company has further made it clear that data […]

iPhone Rumor

Rumor: Apple may incorporate widgets, new mapping technology into iOS 5

The widgets: they can be useful. And for that reason they may find themselves a part of iOS 5. Per TechCrunch, Apple is looking to incorporate Widgets (small programs in floating windows that provide quick access to information or functions, such as weather, or website news feeds) into iOS 5. Google Android already has widgets, […]

iPad Rumor

Rumor: iPad May Ship Without Standard Apps Such as Stocks, Weather, Clock and Voice Memos

Apple’s recent announcement regarding the iPad’s April 3rd ship date suggests that Apple might not ship the device with the full set of apps that arrive standard on the iPhone. Per Wired, the company may omit several applications such as Stocks, Calculator, Clock, Weather and Voice Memos. While Apple had pushed several iPad-optimized versions of […]