
Mozilla Releases Firefox 3.0.8 Update

On Wednesday, released version 3.0.8 of its Firefox web browser. The new browser, a 17.3 megabyte download, boasts two unspecified security changes. The program requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to install and run. If you’ve tried the new browser and have any feedback about it, let us know over in the comments […]


OmniWeb Updated to 5.9.1

Early Wednesday, Omni released version 5.9 of its OmniWeb web browser. The new version, a 23.1 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: Auto-closing tab drawer: If the tab drawer was automatically opened when you created multiple tabs, it will now automatically close when you return to a single tab. (If you manually opened […]


OmniWeb Updated to 5.9, Now Free

Early Wednesday, Omni released version 5.9 of its OmniWeb web browser. The new version, a 16.6 megabyte download, adds no fixes and changes but is now apparently free, according to the development listing. OmniWeb 5.9 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to install and run. If you’ve played with the new version and noticed […]