Late Tuesday, Apple released Safari 6.0.5, an update to its web browser. The new version, a 342.33 megabyte download (via MacUpdate), includes the following fixes and new features: – Improves stability for some websites with chat features and games. Safari 6.0.5 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.8.3 or later to install and […]
Tag: web browser
Here’s your chance to snag the next-gen Opera browser a bit ahead of schedule. Per iMore, Opera, is offering people a chance to download its latest desktop browser (version 15) for Windows and Mac, which typically happens ahead of a general release. Dubbed “Opera Next” as per usual, this time the browser was “made from […]
Ne’er doubt Amazon’s ability to throw out a competing app. Per Macworld, Amazon’s Cloud Drive Photos app has gone live and is available free of charge from the App Store, the app can transfer photos back and forth between a device and Cloud Drive, where they can be accessed using a desktop computer, Web browser, […]
Even the minor updates help… On Friday, released version 20.0.1 of its Firefox web browser. The new version, a 40.2 megabyte download via MacUpdate, adds the following fixes and changes: – Minor bug-fix. Firefox 20.0.1 requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.6 or later to install and run. If you’ve tried the […]
It’s hard to knock a useful web browser update. On Thursday, Opera Software released version 12.15.1748 of its web browser. The new version, a 20.3 megabyte download via MacUpdate, boasts the following fixes and changes: – Fixed a moderately severe issue, as reported by Attila Suszter; details will be disclosed at a later date. – […]