News Software

Onyx updated to 2.4.7

Onyx, Titanium Software’s popular freeware multifunction utility for Mac OS X, has been updated to version 2.4.7. The new version, a 20.5 megabyte download adds the following fixes and changes: – Reset the volume positions on the Desktop. – Deleting the Internet Cache improved. – Deleting the logs improved. – Parameters > Spotlight pane improved. […]

News Software

Skype updated to

On Tuesday, version of the Skype VoIP application was released. The new version, a 23.5 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and changes: – We have made overall improvements to the product quality and calling experience. – Following user feedback, we have enabled Volume Control in the Preferences for users who use USB headsets. […]

News Software

Carbon Copy Cloner updated to 3.4.4

Late Tuesday, Carbon Copy Cloner, the shareware favorite for drive cloning operations by Mike Bombich, reached version 3.4.4. The new version, a 6 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – Made several changes to the preset configurations. Both the wording and some of the settings have been changed in response to user feedback […]

News Software

VMWare releases Fusion 3.1.2 update

Late Friday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 3.1.2 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]

News Software

Apple Releases Updated Mac OS X 10.5.7 Developer Beta, Build 9J56

The Mac OS X 10.5.7 update, which appears to be close to release, went through yet another pre-release build late last week with developers working out additional tweaks for the operating system. According to AppleInsider, build 9J56 focuses on “Bluetooth compatibility and stability fixes” per sources familiar with the software. A number of recent Mac […]