News Software

VirtualBox 3.2.2 released

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 3.2.2. The new version, a 70.9 megabyte download, sports a list of fixes and changes that can be found here. VirtualBox 3.2.2 is available for free and requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later and an Intel-based Mac to install and […]


VirtualBox 3.0.8 Released

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 3.0.8. The new version, a 62.9 megabyte download, sports the following fixes and changes: – VMM: fixed 64 bits guest on 32 bits host regression in 3.0.6 (VT-x only; bug #4947). – VMM: fixed a recompiler triple fault guru meditation (VT-x […]


VirtualBox 2.2.2 Out the Door

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 2.2.2. The new version, a 57.9 megabyte download, sports the following fixes and changes: Host and guest clipboard: fixed a number of issues affecting hosts and guests running the X window system. Guest Additions: make sure the virtual mouse autodetection works […]