News Software

Parallels offers warning to users looking to upgrade to Windows 8 on current virtual machines

You love Parallels. And you’re curious about Windows 8. Just use some caution before putting that chocolate/peanut butter combination together… Per the Apple Core, virtualization top dog Parallels has issued a warning advising users to exercise caution before upgrading existing virtual machines to Windows 8. The company has stated that the virtual machine could be […]

News Software

VirtualBox updated to 4.1.22

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 4.1.22. The new version, a 96.6 megabyte download, features the following fixes and changes: – VMM: fixed a potential host crash triggered by shutting down a VM when another VM was running (only affected 32-bit hosts and 64-bit OS X hosts, […]

News Software

VirtualBox updated to 4.1.20

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 4.1.20. The new version, a 101.3 megabyte download, features the following fixes and changes: – VMM: fixed a crash under rare circumstances for VMs running without hardware virtualization. – VMM: fixed a code analysis bug for certain displacement instructions for VMs […]

News Software

VMWare releases Fusion 4.1.2 update

On Friday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 4.1.2 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]

iOS News Software

Updated JavaScript interpreter to help boost WebKit’s performance by 2, 2.5x

You can’t argue that WebKit’s been good for Apple and iOS in general. Apple’s WebKit JavaScriptCore is now a “triple tier virtual machine,” offering the potential for 2-2.5 times faster JavaScript performance in Safari. Per, recent changes in Apple’s WebKit open source project (used by Safari on OS X and iOS, and to power […]