5G Wireless Apple Apple Silicon Business Hardware iOS iOS 16 iPhone iPhone 14 News Processors retail Software

iPhone 14 orders begin to ship, retail inventory to be available for launch day

The iPhone 14 ships today for most of the models in the series and Apple seems to have gotten the early orders out the door. For those who were notified, the new handset should begin arriving today. All iPhone 14 models went up for preorder last Friday, though there were some issues with Apple’s online […]

Fun News retail

UPS completes first drone delivery test, envisions aerial drones working alongside truck-based delivery drivers

Your UPS packages could be delivered by drone in the relatively near future. UPS drone delivery testing kicked off on Monday with a successful package delivery alongside a human driver. In 2018 the FAA chose UPS to sit on its drone advisory committee. As of Monday, UPS tested a Workhorse HorseFly UAV Delivery drive that launched from […]

HomePod News retail

First HomePod orders begin heading to final destinations for U.S., U.K., and Australian customers

Your pre-ordered HomePod unit is on its way to your loving arms. The HomePod is en route, and customers in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia have begun receiving shipment notifications from Apple letting them know their orders have shipped and are on the way. The first units are set to arrive in Australia […]

iPhone Legal News retail

Robbers snag 313 iPhone X units being delivered to San Francisco Apple Store location

It’s not quite the equivalent of the bank robbery scene in “Heat”, but it’s getting there. On Wednesday, three “husky” men in hoodies driving a white Dodge van broke into a UPS truck Wednesday while it was parked outside a San Francisco Apple Store. The UPS truck was delivering 313 iPhone X units to the […]

iPhone News retail

Assorted customers report iPhone 6s pre-order status changing to “Preparing for Shipment”

If you ordered an iPhone 6s, it’s on its way. A number of pre-order customers are seeing their statuses change from “Processing Items” to “Preparing for Shipment” on Apple’s website. There have been no specific reports of order status changes on the iPhone 6s Plus yet, but the larger smartphone should also begin seeing movement […]