iPhone News

AT&T to begin offering shared data plans starting August 23

Competition’s a good thing. Wireless carrier AT&T said Monday that it will join rival Verizon Wireless later this month in offering shared data plans to its subscribers, allowing them to spread their monthly data plans across multiple devices for an additional fee. Per AppleInsider, the previously announced plans, dubbed “Mobile Share,” include unlimited text, talk […]

iPhone News

Verizon issues follow-up clarifying statement on unlimited data/upgrade announcement

Sometimes things require additional explanation. Per an email sent to the New York Times, Verizon on Thursday issued a statement clarifying the position it will take with customers who currently have grandfathered unlimited data plans, reiterating that the all-you-can-eat option will only terminate when upgrading to a new subsidized smartphone. The statement quelled specious reports […]

3G Wireless iPhone Legal News

AT&T customer wins in 3G throttling case, could open floodgates for similar lawsuits against carrier

Sometimes you CAN fight the giant and win. Per the Associated Press, in a California court ruling on Friday, an AT&T customer who saw a reduction in his iPhone’s download speed due to high usage was awarded US$850 on claims that the telecom’s throttling measures are unfair to consumers. Pro-tem Judge Russell Nadel handed down […]

iPhone News

Sprint confirms unlimited data plan to be available for iPhone subscribers

With Sprint being added to the U.S. iPhone carrier list along with AT&T and Verizon, it’s time for some competition. Per AllThingsD, Sprint will indeed offer unlimited data plans when it starts taking iPhone orders later this week. “We will be offering the benefit of our unlimited plans that start at just US$69.99,” said spokeswoman […]

iPhone News

Verizon to kill unlimited data calling plans on Thursday, offers alternatives

It was nifty while it lasted. Per AppleInsider, wireless carrier Verizon, will not allow customers, including those who buy an iPhone, to be able to purchase the carrier’s unlimited data plan. This Thursday, July 7, is when Verizon will begin offering its “usage-based” billing for mobile customers, spokeswoman Debra Lewis said. The change will not […]