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Rumor: Apple to include vapor chamber cooling system in at least one iPhone 17 model

According to multiple reports, at least one next-gen iPhone model will receive a high-tech liquid cooling system known as a “vapor chamber.” The rumor, which has been cited by a third source as of Wednesday, will include the new cooling system, which is designed to take on additional heat when Apple chips have to perform […]

Apple battery Business Developer Finance Hardware iOS iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 iPhone SE Legal News Processors retail Software

Apple to send along $500 million in settlement payments soon to “Batterygate” victims

If you were one of the iPhone owners who signed up to receive payment under Apple’s “Batterygate” lawsuit, you should have a check heading your way in the near future. According to The Mercury News, the judge overseeing the lawsuit has thrown out an appeal from two ‌iPhone‌ owners who were attempting to object to […]

iPad iPhone Legal News Uncategorized wireless

AT&T, FTC, settle data throttling lawsuit from 2014

Wireless carrier AT&T has apparently reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission regarding its data throttling practices. The two parties have reached a settlement regarding a case that originally began in 2014. Details of the settlement are still unknown, but a recently published federal court ruling says the deal was reached on August 2nd, […]

battery Hardware iPhone News

Apple to end reduced rate iPhone battery replacement program on December 31st

After December 31st, you’ll have to pay full boat for a replacement iPhone battery. Apple’s reduced rate battery replacement program will be coming to an end December 31st, 2018. Following complaints about device performance, Apple announced the replacement program in December 2017. It was set to run for a year. It meant UK customers could […]

AppleCare battery Hardware iPhone News

Apple releases iPhone battery replacement pricing following 2018

Following the BatteryGate controversy of last year, Apple reduced official battery repairs to $29 each through 2018, down from $79. The company has now updated its web site with details of what will happen from January 1st, 2019. In short, the prices will be going back up, but will still be cheaper than they had […]