Apple on Thursday released a revamped version of iOS 9.3.2 for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro. The update, termed build 13F72, can be downloaded over-the-air on any 9.7-inch iPad Pro that has not previously been updated to the latest version of iOS 9. iOS 9.3.2 was originally released to the public on Monday, May 16, but […]
Tag: tablet
Following up on a rumor from November that Apple was working with suppliers to “fully redesign” many of the MacBook’s internal components to achieve a slimmer design, it appears that Apple might be making a move towards metal injection mold-made hinges. Metal injection molding is a metalworking process that’s used to create very small metal […]
For you display freaks out there, the mighty Dr. Ray Soneira will be reviewing the display on the just-announced 9.7-inch iPad Pro this week and has offered the following comments do far: The new 9.7″ iPad Pro is a welcome return to Apple innovating again in displays. The wide DCI-P3 Color Gamut, with the TrueTone […]
Apple’s 9.7-inch iPad Pro is thought to be similar to the 12.9-inch version of the tablet, but it may boast a superior camera to the larger model. Source close to the story have indicated that the 9.7-inch iPad Pro may feature a 12 megapixel rear camera comparable to the sensor in the iPhone 6s. The […]
Hopefully this helps. Following up on yesterday’s release of its iOS 9.2 operating system, Apple has confirmed that the update should prevent an issue that caused some iPad Pros to become unresponsive after charging from continuing in the future. A number of iPad Pro early adopters had complained about an issue that caused the 12.9-inch […]