This is actually pretty interesting. The newest version of Microsoft PowerPoint for iOS includes a feature that allows you to manage your live presentation on your Apple Watch, progressing through each slide without having to pick up your smartphone, tablet or Mac or Windows PC.
Tag: tablet
If you’re looking for ways to watch the Super Bowl come Sunday, Apple’s got you covered. Just like other networks that have offered a free live stream of the Super Bowl in previous years, in 2015 NBC will make the game available through its NBC Sports website and mobile app. Still, we’ve got other ways […]
If you’re going to be on the Super Bowl sidelines, LEAVE YOUR IPHONE AT HOME!!! Of course, that’s if you’re going to be on the sidelines. Otherwise, bring your iPhone along. NFL players and coaches are allowed no other tablets or smartphones on the sidelines. (Recently, the Cleveland Browns were accused of breaking that rule […]
There’s got to be some truth in here somewhere. Per AppleInsider, a new picture from French web site, claims to show part of the schematic for a so-called “iPad Pro, complete with a speaker grille space at the top of the device next to the lock button, suggesting Apple’s larger tablet could include a […]
It’s a rumor at this point, but an interesting one. Per MacRumors, Japanese magazine Mac Fan has published some possible schematics depicting the design of the larger-screened “iPad Pro” or “iPad Air Plus” in its January issue, which have been shared by Mac Otakara along with some information about the upcoming device. The schematics suggest […]