Despite Apple’s best intentions, the iPhone OS 3.1.3 firmware update may not have gone as well as the company would have liked. Per iPodNN, a number of users over on the Apple Discussion Board have reported that issues such as erratic battery life have emerged. In certain cases, the unit’s battery meter may potentially swing […]
Tag: sync
Apple Releases iTunes 9.0.3 Update
Late Monday, Apple released iTunes 9.0.3, the latest version of its multimedia/jukebox application for Mac OS X. The new version, an 90.8 megabyte download, offers the following fixes and changes: – iTunes no longer ignores your “Remember password for purchases” setting. – Addresses problems with syncing some Smart Playlists and Podcasts with iPod. – Resolves […]
You’ve got to admit, it’s the rumors that make life interesting. Boy Genius Report has reportedly received information from a source close to the story claiming iPhone OS 4.0 will be introduced at Apple’s press event next week at the Yerba Buena on January 27th. Per the source, iPhone OS 4.0 will be limited to […]
It’s not terribly exciting, but it’s been long-anticipated and may just be useful. After, oh, several years of treating the Mac OS X platform like a second class citizen and letting third party outfits pick up the slack on syncing, Research In Motion has finally released version 1.0.0 of its BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac […]
One week after Apple disabled the Palm Pre’s capacity to sync with iTunes, Palm has responded by releasing webOS 1.1, an update that again enables Palm’s phone to access media from the current version of iTunes. Per the company’s blog, Pre users can expect the new software to arrive via an over-the-air update. “Oh, and […]