Apple Watch News Software Watch OS Wearables

Apple releases Watch OS 1.0.1 update, offers Siri improvements, additional language support, other new features

The first Apple Watch update is here. And it includes a slew of interesting fixes and changes. On Tuesday, Apple released its Watch OS 1.0.1 update. To install the update, connect your Apple Watch to power, make sure it has at least a 50 percent charge, connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network, make sure […]

News Software

Apple confirms existence of “Applebot” web crawler, says program indexes the Web for Siri, Spotlight

Sometimes it’s the Web traffic logs that really let you know what Apple is up to. Last fall, a number of webmasters began seeing web crawler visits from IP addresses starting with 17, an IP address block owned entirely by Apple. Apple has now officially confirmed in a support document that it is operating its […]

iOS iPad iPad mini iPhone iPod Touch News security Software

Apple releases iOS 8.3 update

It’s a day of muchos updates for OS X and iOS users. On Wednesday, Apple released version 8.3 of its iOS operating system. The new version, a 487 megabyte download, contains a massive helping of fixes and changes. Among them are more than 300 new emoji symbols, a scrolling keyboard, additional languages for Siri and […]

Apple TV Hardware Rumor

Rumor: Apple to release updated Apple TV with A8 processor, Siri interface at WWDC

Apple may be updating the ol’ hockey puck come WWDC… Citing sources familiar with Apple’s plans, John Paczkowski of Buzzfeed News reported on Friday that Apple will introduce a next-generation Apple TV in a matter of months. It will also apparently provide developers with a new software development kit to write applications for the new […]

Hardware News retail Wearables

Apple Watch announced, device to be available for pre-order on April 10th, will be in stores come April 24th

And now, the big kahuna. On Monday, Apple announced the Apple Watch, which will become available for pre-order on April 10. The wearable device ranges from US$249 with a smaller 38mm watch band and goes for US$399 with a 42mm watch band. The Sport model features a stainless steel alloy that’s apparently 80 percent harder […]