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Apple releases iOS 13.2, iPadOS 13.2 updates

It’s a hefty pair of updates and they’re here. On Monday, Apple released its long-awaited iOS 13.2 and iPadOS 13.2 updates, which bring a slew of new features to its mobile operating systems. The updates add support for the newly-announced AirPods Pro, more than 70 new emojis, as well as new features for Siri, the […]

Animoji Apple Developer HomeKit iOS iPad iPadOS iPhone iPhone News privacy Siri Software

Apple releases third iOS 13.2, iPadOS 13.2 developer beta

Apple on Wednesday released the third developer beta of its iOS 13.2 and iPadOS 13.2 operating systems. The release comes just under a week of the release of the second iOS 13.2 developer beta, which offered features such as Deep Fusion camera technology, Siri changes, and more. Deep Fusion is Apple’s new camera processing technology […]

Apple Developer HomeKit iCloud iOS iPhone Mac macOS Mobile News Services Siri Software

iCloud Drive folder sharing, other features, pushed back to 2020

Sometimes a project takes a bit longer than expected. Apple has quietly informed customers that its shared iCloud Drive folders feature, which would have directly competed with Dropbox, has been pushed back to 2020. Prior to Tuesday, the macOS All Features page had an asterisk for iCloud folder sharing that said the addition would be coming later […]

Apple battery iOS iPad iPhone News Siri

Apple releases iOS 13.1.1 for iPhones, iPadOS 13.1.1 update, chases after battery, Siri-related bugs

Late Friday, Apple released its iOS 13.1.1 update, which chases after bugs associated with Siri and poor battery life under iOS 13 and iOS 13.1. On the newest iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro models, iOS 13.1.1 improves Siri recognition requests, Apple says – owners of the latest handsets had been reporting problems with Siri ignoring them. […]

AirPods Apple Apple Music Apps Developer iOS iPad iPhone iPhone music News Siri Software

Spotify beta hints at Siri support for iOS app under iOS 13

After years of waiting, Spotify will finally be adding the ability to play songs, albums, and playlists via Siri. The feature is present in the latest beta, and is part of the new capabilities included with iOS 13. The addition also puts music apps like Spotify on an equal footing with Apple Music for requests […]