Apple Business Hardware iPhone iPhone 12 iPhone 13 News retail

iPhone 13 lead times shorten, indicating some improvement in global supply chain

As lousy as the global supply chain constraint’s been, there are signs that it could be easing, or at least allowing for faster iPhone delivery. Per JP Morgan, although still elevated compared to the iPhone 12, estimated delivery dates appear to be contracting for the iPhone 13 lineup. In a note to investors, JP Morgan […]

AirPods Apple Apple TV Apple Watch Business Health HomePod mini iPad iPhone iPhone 13 Mac Desktop Mac mini Mac Pro MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro retail Rumor Wearables

Rumor: iPhone 13 availability expected to improve for the holiday season as supply chain gradually improves

It may be a bit easier than you thought to snag an iPhone 13 this holiday season. According to sources within Apple’s supply chain, suppliers have managed to ease the shortage of certain components, thereby allowing production of the smartphone to accelerate. At present, estimated shipping times for the ‌iPhone 13‌ were spanning weeks, if […]

Apple Apple Silicon Apple Watch Apple Watch SE Business Hardware iPhone iPhone 13 M1 M1 Max M1 Pro MacBook Pro MagSafe News retail Wearables

First 2021 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro shipping notices begin to be sent out

Apple’s new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro notebooks have apparently started to ship, and should be arriving on some doorsteps fairly soon. The updated notebooks, as mentioned before, offer a significant redesign, with Apple reintroducing posts as the HDMI and SD card slot, as well as the MagSafe port. The new MacBook Pros are also […]

Accessory Apple Apple Watch Apple Watch SE battery Business Hardware News Processors retail Wearables

Apple Watch Series 7 pre-order units begin shipping to customers

If you ordered an Apple Watch Series 7, there’s a good chance it’s en route. A number of users have reported that their orders have shipped ahead of launch day on Friday, October 15. Some customers who obtained a launch day delivery of the ‌Apple Watch Series 7‌ started to see their order switch to […]

Apple Business Hardware iPhone iPhone 13 News Pre-order retail

Apple iPhone 13 ship times slip to October for some models following pre-orders

And now the simple truth about supply and demand. Where the iPhone 13 pre-orders kicked off on Monday, the availability of certain iPhone 13 models has begun to slip into October. The first iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max pre-orders are slated to arrive to shoppers on Friday, […]