It’s unassailably cool, a perfect combination of cats, programmable Arduino circuitry, LEDs, Twitter and the shell from your old eMac. Per creator Samuel Cox, you too can develop an eSleeper, which turned a hollowed-out eMac into a bed for his feline. Inside the shell is an Arduino Ethernet connected to an IR sensor, some LEDs […]
Tag: sensor
You can’t knock Apple for trying to make a sturdier product. Per the United States Patent and Trademark Office, a recent Apple patent applications shows the company looking to create a “shock mounting cover glass in consumer electronic devices,” the invention claims a tunable shock mount sandwiched between the phone’s glass and other hardware. There’s […]
If you’re hoping for something good from the next generation of iPhone, at least expect an improved camera. Per Taiwan Economic News, Apple has secured deals with two suppliers to build 8-megapixel camera lenses for the company’s forthcoming next-generation handset. Both Largan Precision and Genius Electronic Optical are said to be supplying smartphone lenses for […]
If you’re going to get excited about something today, it might as well be a purported proximity sensor. The web site claims to have obtained a genuine iPhone 5 proximity light sensor flex cable in advance of the device’s launch, which is expected this fall. The site boasts that its offices are “just a […]
It’s the leaks that make technology interesting. Per Electronista, parts supplier leaks on Wednesday supported beliefs that Apple redesigning the camera flash for the iPhone 5. The company has reportedly “greatly reduced” the number of orders from Philips for the LED flashes used in the iPhone 4 over the past one to two months. Although […]