If you were hoping for the next-gen Mac mini, it’s been announced and features rather nifty M4 chips. Apple on Tuesday announced its fully redesigned Mac mini models, the desktops offering the M4 and M4 Pro chips in a considerably smaller casing, two front-facing USB-C ports, Thunderbolt 5 connectivity, and more. The refresh marks the […]
Tag: retail
The new iMac has been unveiled and it seems nifty. On Monday, Apple unveiled its new M4-based iMac, which replaces the M3 that was introduced in the iMac a year ago. Apple has increased the base standard configuration of unified memory from 8GB to 16GB. The new iMac is available at $1,499, $1,699, and $1,899 […]
If you were looking to finally use Apple Pay at Home Depot and Texas grocery chain H-E-B, you’re in luck. After years of negotiation, Home Depot has finally adopted Apple Pay and other tap-to-pay methods at some of its U.S. locations in recent weeks. Per Appleosophy, while the home improvement retailer has not officially announced […]
Ok, this is nifty. Repair outfit iFixit has begun selling a USB-powered accessory that can be used to remove the battery found inside the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus handsets. These models use a type of adhesive that can be loosened with an electrical current. Apple’s official repair guide recommends using a 9V battery […]
If you were looking to buy the new version of Microsoft Office outright and not have to deal with Microsoft’s subscription plan, you’re going to like this. Microsoft has released Office 2024, the latest version of its productivity suite, which includes Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word. In addition, subscribers to the Microsoft 365 subscription […]