After months of waiting, Apple’s new iPhone 11 has been announced. And its seems nifty. Following up on its “By Innovation Only” media event on Tuesday, Apple stated that its iPhone 11 would start at $699, which is $50 less than the introductory price for the iPhone XR, which is replaces. The iPhone 11 will […]
Tag: release
In the latest of the 16-inch MacBook Pro rumors, an anonymous source has stated that the device will feature an ultra-narrow bezel to allow for the larger 16-inch display. The notebook is currently expected to be released in September. The rumors about the device are coming thick and fast. Last week analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said […]
As part of a wave of nostalgia, Apple this week released its Texas Hold’em game for iOS. The game, which was released over 11 years ago, was the first game ever sold on the App Store, which Apple claiming that the update is to celebrate “the 10 year anniversary of the App Store.” The new […]
In the realm of games that could possibly draw you in and absorb a decent portion of your day, Niantic, makers of Pokemon Go, has released Harry Potter: Wizards Unite a day early on June 21st. The game, which features gameplay to Pokemon Go, is set in the fictional Harry Potter universe, wherein players help […]
This is turning into a fairly significant mess. Following the release of iOS 12.1.3, a number of users cited difficulty in accessing their cellular data, a bug which had also happened following the rollout of iOS 12.1.2. The situation was so bad, wireless provider Sprint put out a warning. This had emerged after iOS 12.1.1 […]