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Apple releases second macOS Monterey 12.1 Release Candidate to developer community

If you’re hankering for the release of the macOS Monterey 12.1 update, it’s in the works. Apple on Friday seeded the second Release Candidate version of the software. Registered developers can download ‌macOS Monterey‌ 12.1 beta profile through the Apple Developer Center and after the appropriate profile is installed, the beta will be available through […]

Apple Silicon Apps battery Developer Hardware Mac MacBook Pro macOS MagSafe News Software Thunderbolt USB-C

macOS 12.1 update expected to resolve notch/menu bar extras issue on 2021 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro notebooks

Apple’s much-anticipated macOS Monterey 12.1 update could also resolve the issue with the notch obscuring “menu bar extras” on the 2021 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro notebooks. The update has entered Release Candidate stage and could be available by as early as next week. “Menu bar extras” are the tiny icons that appear on the […]

AirTags Apple Apps Big Sur Developer Event Face ID iOS iPad iPad Pro iPadOS iPhone iPhone Mac macOS News Software

Apple to release iOS 14.5, iPadOS 14.5, macOS Big Sur 11.3 updates in final week of April

As much as you’re hankering for the sizable system updates, you’ll have to wait a little while longer. Apple has announced that its iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 will become available to the public in the last week of April, ahead of the launch of new products announced Tuesday, including new iPad Pros and AirTag […]

App Store Apple Big Sur Developer iCloud iOS M1 Mac Mac mini macOS News privacy security Software

Apple releases macOS Big Sur 11.2 Release Candidate to developer, beta tester communities

If you’re hankering for a substantial macOS Big Sur update, it’s just around the corner. Apple has released its macOS Big Sur 11.2 Release Candidate to its developer and beta tester communities. Similar to the iOS 14.4 developer beta, macOS betas can be downloaded from Apple’s developer page. If you’re already in the program, go to System […]

Apple Apps Bluetooth CarPlay Developer Hardware iOS iPhone iPhone iPhone 12 News Siri Software

Apple posts iOS 14.4 Release Candidate for developer, public beta tester download

iOS 14.4 has now hit the Release Candidate stage and is currently available to the developer and beta tester communities. As such, the current change list includes the following: Smaller QR codes can be recognized by Camera Option to classify Bluetooth device type in Settings for correct identification of headphones for audio notifications Notifications for […]