Amid the ongoing legal kerfuffle between Apple and chipmaker Qualcomm, which has in turn led to the ban of some iPhone model sales in China, Apple looks to be moving to settle this with a software update. The legal issue, which concerns Apple suing Qualcomm over royalty payments, has been ongoing for some time now, […]
Tag: Qualcomm
Per an article published on Thursday by Bloomberg, Apple has begun aggressively hiring engineers in San Diego, the headquarters of Qualcomm. The company is said to be looking for designers in San Diego who will help develop wireless components and processors for its iPhones, a move that would further weaken Qualcomm. Apple has posted 10 […]
Representatives from several major technology firms will meet in San Francisco on Wednesday to address growing concerns over consumer privacy, driven to the forefront by new European regulations and public uproar over scandals like Cambridge Analytica. The companies include a part of the Information Technology Industry Council, a Washington trade group, as well as Apple, […]
Apple and Intel may eventually pull away from each other, but for the time being, the chipmaker is rumored to be the supplier for 70 percent of the modem chips that will be used in the 2018 iPhone lineup. Per an anonymous source close to the story, Intel will provide 70 percent of the chips […]
Apple may switch from Intel-based chips to its own chips that are being developed in-house, thereby causing Intel’s stock to take a beating. Intel shares dropped sharply on Monday after a report that Apple would switch from Intel’s chips to its own chips for use on Mac computers. As a result, Intel’s shares fell as […]