iPad News

China regulatory officials approve sale of 3G third-generation iPad

Give it time and the regulators will eventually say yes… Per MarketWatch, regulators in China have approved the 3G version of Apple’s third-generation iPad for sale in that market, signaling that the new iPad could soon become available in another major market. The approval of the new iPad model compatible with the China Unicom 3G […]

iPad News

iPad 3 gains regulatory in China, exact launch date there unknown

If you’re over in China, the third-generation is en route and has gained government regulatory approval. And that’s a nifty thing. Per Engadget China, China’s Quality Certification Center granted iPad model number A1416 last week. That’s a sign that the Wi-Fi iPad could head to retail in China “soon.” Additional approvals are needed for the […]

iPad News

Apple launches iPad 3, includes 4G LTE, Retina Display, faster processor, other features

You’ve been waiting for it and it’s here. Apple on Wednesday announced its next-gen iPad, the new tablet featuring a 2,048-by-1,536-pixel resolution Retina Display that fits 3.1 million pixels into its 9.7-inch display, along with voice dictation and LTE 4G, coming on March 16 to 10 countries. Per AppleInsider, the new screen on the iPad […]