Legal News

U.S. Senate forces vote to restore Net Neutrality

Over the past year, Net Neutrality has gone through a wild ride of ups and downs. Now, the U.S. Senate is forcing a vote to restore the protections. Lawmakers are using the Congressional Review Act to make the vote happen and it looks like the Senate is just one vote short of bringing net neutrality […]

Developer News Software

Apple CEO Tim Cook pushes for mandatory coding requirement at Trump administration tech summit

This is sort of nifty. On Monday, at a technology summit with President Donald Trump, Apple CEO Tim Cook reportedly suggested making programming a mandatory subject in the country’s schools. Cook, who was among other tech executives, was among the representatives for the first gathering of the White House’s American Technology Council. Over the course […]

Finance Hardware iPhone News retail

Trump pushes for Apple to manufacture products in the U.S., offers tax incentives

President-elect Donald Trump, following up on a campaign promise that he would “get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China” – and he has now said the same thing directly to Apple CEO Tim Cook. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Trump offered the […]


Trump claims he’ll get Apple “to start building their damn computers and things in this country”

Because one man’s stupidity should never be underestimated. GOP frontrunner, questionable billionaire, person who will say anything and outright failure that walks like a man Donald Trump, speaking at Liberty University yesterday, claimed he would reclaim lost U.S. manufacturing jobs if elected President, criticizing Apple in the process. “We have such amazing people in this […]

News security

President Obama, Tim Cook, others meet to discuss PRISM surveillance

It’s not the happiest topic, but they’re meeting to discuss it. On Thursday, President Obama met with Tim Cook and other tech executives from companies like Google and AT&T to discuss government surveillance according to Politico. Civil liberties leaders were also at the closed-door meeting. The White House declined to comment about the details of […]