Android Fun Game iOS iPhone News Software

Super Mario Run reviews begin to emerge, cite strong gameplay, good first step for Nintendo on new platforms

At long last, Super Mario Run from Nintendo has emerged for iOS and Android and the reviews are starting to come in. And they’re pretty good, if not stellar. Over at Gamespot, the game received a 7 out of 10 with reviewer Peter Brown citing the game’s polish, smooth controls and movement options that feel […]

Apple Car Hardware Rumor Siri Titan

Apple hires former QNX staff, begins efforts in Canada towards Project Titan

Apple has both taken the long view of its Project Titan automative effort and settled it in Canada. Apple apparently has “dozens” of software engineers working out of an office outside of Ottawa, Ontario—just a five minute walk from BlackBerry’s QNX division, which provides automotive software. In fact, about two dozen of Apple’s engineers reportedly […]

News Software TvOS

VLC app becomes available for Apple TV

The much-loved VLC app has just become available for the Apple TV. VLC, which looks to play video files in “their native formats without conversions”, is a full port of VLC media player combined with platform specific features. Per lead iOS developer Felix Kühne: VLC for Apple TV integrates with a plethora of devices and […]

Apple Watch Hardware News Uncategorized Wearables

Tech blogger posts videos of Apple Watch surviving 1,200 meter swim test, other challenges

Now that the Apple Watch is out, it’s time to put it through a battery of physical tests, including water-based ones. The good news is that the device seems to hold up pretty well. Over the weekend, endurance sports and tech blogger Ray Maker posted a few Apple Watch-related waterproof videos, including the first lap […]

Accessory Consumer Electronics Developer Gadget Google News Opinion privacy security Wearables

Google opens Glass Mirror API

Last week, Google finally made the Glass API for Google Glass open to all developers. Previously, the API was only available to developers that actually shelled out the $1500 to own the Google Glass hardware and were added to a whitelist of approved owners. Now Google doesn’t care if you have the software or not. […]