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OCR-based crypto wallet theft programs surface in Apple, Android app stores

It’s a bit of a technical story about apps that wound up on both the Apple and Google app stores, but it’s interesting. In March 2023, a group of security researchers at ESET discovered malware implants embedded into various messaging app mods. Some of these scanned users’ image galleries in search of crypto wallet access […]

App Store iOS iPhone News Siri Software

Philips Hue app updated to version 3.6.0, now supports Siri Shortcuts

This could definitely come in handy. The Philips Hue app has been updated to version 3.6.0, the new version adding Siri Shortcuts for Hue in which Siri Siri learns when you are using your favorite scenes and suggests them for quick activation right on your lock screen, Siri search or Siri watch-face. Users can also […]

Apple Augmented Reality Developer iOS iPad iPad Air iPad mini iPad Pro iPhone iPhone iPhone 6 iPod Touch News Siri Software

WWDC: Apple announces iOS 12, focuses on Siri improvements, augmented reality, performance boosts, etc

Apple dropped just about every announcement and update possible at its WWDC keynote today, among the most important being iOS 12, which will feature improvements to Siri, performance, communication, enhanced augmented reality tools, and addiction controls. The Siri fixes will hone in on responsiveness to users, including the ability to trigger Siri with key phrases […]