Back in April, Apple abruptly removed financing options from its U.K. website. The move came without explanation from the company, but now the financing options are back in nearly identical form. As of now, U.K.-based shopper can once again finance their Apple purchases with either Barclays or PayPal Credit. Barclays is available for purchase over […]
Tag: PayPal
Apple Pay might just wind up on top. A few years ago, when the technology was first introduced, it seemed like a vague idea. Today, according to new survey data released by Boston Retail Partners, Apple Pay is not only booming, it’s the mobile payments standard, surpassing PayPal, which had nearly a decade headstart. This, […]
PayPal has apparently fallen as the leader among U.S. merchants and Apple Pay has taken its place. Per NFC World, Apple today sits at 36 percent versus 16 percent a year ago. PayPal, by contrast, is being offered by 34 percent of merchants. Both Apple and PayPal are trailed by MasterCard PayPass (25 percent), Android […]
If nothing else, Apple Pay is gaining traction. Just over a month after launching Apple Pay on the web to bring the payments service to website checkouts via its Safari web browser, new data shows Apple has already made it into the top five payment technologies online. Analystics firm SimilarTech’s platform tracks over 30 billion […]
Facebook chat moved into the financial sphere today. The company’s messenger bots can now accept payments natively without sending users to an external website, Facebook’s head of Messenger David Marcus announced today onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2016. The web site uses stored credit card into to instantly make purchases that are part of the […]