Hardware iPhone News

Repair firms perform first teardowns of iPhone 6, 6 Plus handsets, report initial findings

As per usual, the cool cats at iFixit performed a full teardown of Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus handsets only hours after getting their hands on them at the first launches around the world. Over in another corner of the woods, Japanese blog Mac Otakara performed its own teardown of the smaller 4.7-inch iPhone 6 handset. […]

News Patents

Apple awarded key multitouch technology patent, able to cite wider legal defense regarding oscillating signal technologies

Patent: It’s good to have ’em. According to Patently Apple, Apple won a core multitouch patent regarding oscillating signals that was alluded to when Steve Jobs first announced the original iPhone in 2007, and adds to the company’s already formidable legal arsenal. The United States Patent and Trademark Office published on Tuesday that the Cupertino, […]