On Monday, Apple released its OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks operating system update. The new version, which stands at roughly a 958.2 megabyte via OS X’s Software Update utility, offers the following fixes, changes and new features: – Fixes an issue that prevented some Macs from automatically connecting to known Wi-Fi networks. – Fixes issue causing […]
Tag: OS X
On Wednesday, Microsoft released its Microsoft Office 2011 14.4.3 update. The update, a 119 megabyte download via MacUpdate, adds the following fixes and features: – Fixes an issue that causes Outlook for Mac not to automatically detect and connect to the connection settings for the Exchange server. Instead Outlook for Mac prompts for manual settings […]
It’s not the most exciting thing in the world, but it’s a step closer to OS X 10.9.4. Per AppleInsider, Apple on Thursday seeded a new beta build of the upcoming OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks maintenance update, with the latest version coming with minor bug fixes and minor tweaks. The latest OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks […]
The new low end iMac just arrived, complete with a bit of a price break. Per AppleInsider, Apple on Wednesday formally launched its anticipated new low-end 21.5-inch iMac with a lower entry price of US$1,099. The new machine, which is now US$200 cheaper than the 21.5-inch 2.7 GHz previous low-end model, boasts a 1.4-gigahertz dual-core […]
According to C|NET, a report sent out on Tuesday from French blog site MacGeneration (use Google Translate) says that the iMac lineup is getting some speed upgrades to be announced as early as next week. Expectations for the base versionsĀ of all four of the iMac models are as follows; The $1,499 21.5-inch 2.9 GHz version […]