There’s some interesting stuff buried within the depths of the Mac OS X file structure. Among these, according to MyAppleGuide, is a bit of code in Mac OS X’s Trackpad preference panethat would allow users of multitouch-capable trackpads such as those on the new MacBooks and MacBook Pros to define their own four-finger gestures. The […]
Tag: notebook
Review: Spire Torq Backpack
Most of you know by now that I’m something of a bag-o-holic. It’s probably because I’m so attached to my MacBook Pro and because I take it everywhere but regardless, I really dig bags or all shapes and sizes. One bag I’m currently digging is the Torq (US$170) backpack from Spire. Spire is a bunch […]
Seagate Technology has announced what it claims to be “the world’s fastest hard drive” – the Savvio 15K with a seek time of a mere 2.9 ms.
Launchpad Raises and Protects MacBooks
Anyone using a MacBook Pro for extended periods for time is familiar with the decent amount of heat generated by Apple’s Intel notebooks. While the Core 2 Duo models are cooler, the original Core Duo chips output enough heat to fry on egg on them. My favorite stand these days is Launchpad A15 (US$50) from a group called 604 Labs.
REVIEW: Tom Bihn Super Ego Notebook Bag
The Tom Bihn Super Ego (US$140) is a hybrid messenger/shoulder bag that is designed to fit all sizes of their Brain Cell laptop insert and a lot of other of stuff.