News Software

Apple releases third Mac OS X 10.6.8 build to developer community

If you’re hankering for the Mac OS X 10.6.8 update, it’s coming. On Friday, Apple seeded the third build of Mac OS X 10.6.8 to developers, with no known issues. Per AppleInsider, the 1GB download is labeled 10K531. MacStories reports that focus areas for the beta software remain unchanged: Airport, Graphics Drivers, Mac App Store, […]

News security Software

New version of “Mac Defender” malware found, lacks administrator password requirement

Somewhere, the guys who created this program really DO have a bridge to try and sell you… Per security firm Intego, a new, more dangerous variant of “MAC Defender,” dubbed “Mac Guard,” has been discovered, the new malware variant lacking the requirement of an administrator password to install. The discovery was announced on Wednesday, the […]

News Software

Apple posts support document describing how to remove Mac Defender phishing software

Apple has posted a support document explaining how to “avoid or remove” the infamous Mac Defender program and stated it would release an update to Mac OS X to automatically find and remove the malware. The new support document describes the malware as a phishing scam that redirects users from legitimate websites to “fake websites […]

News Software

Google Chrome updated to 12.0.742.30

Google Chrome, Google’s new web browser, just reached version 12.0.742.30 for the Mac. The new version, a 36.2 megabyte download, offers the following the following changes: – Finished implementing support for hardware-accelerated 3D CSS, which allows web developers to apply slick 3D effects to web page content using CSS. – In addition to protecting you […]

News security Software

“MAC Defender” trojan goes live, prompts users for credit card information

Security firm Intego announced Monday that a fake antivirus program for Mac OS X has been discovered in the wild. While the threat potential remains low, inexperienced users could be fooled into paying to remove fake viruses “detected” by the software, and in the process, could end up giving credit card information to scammers. Per […]