Mac Software

Apple Releases iPhoto 8.0.4 Update

Late Tuesday, Apple released version 8.0.4 of its iPhoto image organization and editing application. The new version, a 102.2 megabyte download, addresses a rarely encountered issue involving photos imported into a previous version that could affect overall stability, and corrects references to a few points of interest and location names that were labeled incorrectly. The […]

Fun retail

Best Buy Customer Purchases MacBook Pro, Receives 5-Pound Paving Brick in Box

Per TechEBlog, a Best Buy customer identified only as “Ryan” recently purchased a MacBook Pro notebook for a U.S. Best Buy location only to discover a five pound paving stone in place of the US$2164.89 notebook. When he tried returning the item, the store’s manager stated the following: “Apple seals the boxes, not us. Take […]