The ball has dropped, the clock has struck midnight, vast amounts of fireworks were launched into the air, and 2025 is here! Happy new year and the staff of O’Grady’s PowerPage will be taking the day to spend time with friends and family and relax. We encourage you to do the same and have an […]
Tag: leaks
It’s not the happiest topic, but they’re meeting to discuss it. On Thursday, President Obama met with Tim Cook and other tech executives from companies like Google and AT&T to discuss government surveillance according to Politico. Civil liberties leaders were also at the closed-door meeting. The White House declined to comment about the details of […]
It’s the leaks that make life interesting. A series of leaked photos of a supposed iPhone prototype indicate that Apple may be testing the smartphone on the T-Mobile USA network. Per Boy Genius Report, a series of photos allegedly of a white iPhone prototype “with T-Mobile USA 3G bands.” The device appears to be code-named […]