Hardware MacBook Pro Rumor Touch ID

Rumor: Apple may have changed the date for its FY16 fourth quarter earnings announcement to simultaneously announce next-gen MacBook Pro

This is an interesting rumor. Apple may have rescheduled is FY16 fourth quarter earnings to Tuesday, October 25th to accommodate the announcement of a new MacBook Pro. Moving the earnings call to earlier in the week also gives Apple a chance to quickly move past a potentially-disappointing quarterly earnings. Otherwise, the company would risk overshadowing […]

Hardware MacBook Pro Rumor

Rumor: Next-gen MacBook to have smaller footprint, be thinner, incorporate Touch ID into power button

Some new details have begun to leak out about the next-gen MacBook Pro notebooks. Sources have indicated that the new notebooks will have a smaller footprint than existing models, and will be thinner but not adopt the wedge shape of the MacBook Air and 12-inch MacBook. The trackpad is also slightly wider than current models. […]

Developer iOS News Software

Apple releases iOS 10 Public Beta 3

This is pretty nifty. On Tuesday, Apple release its iOS 10 Public Beta 3 for anyone interested in testing out the new iOS before it hits. On iOS, go to Settings > General > Software Update.

News Sierra Siri Software

Siri for Mac beta hands-on video released

This is what it’s like to use Siri on the Mac. The cool cats at MacRumors have assembled a demo video of using the Siri beta on macOS Sierra, which is due for release this fall. Siri on the Mac can perform many of the same functions available on iOS, like answering simple queries, looking […]

Apple Music Apple Pay Developer Hardware iOS iPhone iTunes MacBook MacBook Pro OS X Rumor Siri Software Touch ID Watch OS WWDC

Rumor: Significant changes to Apple’s four operating systems, no new hardware announcements in works for WWDC 2016

The days leading up to WWDC 2016 are a mix of facts and rumors, but there’s some interesting stuff that’s being mentioned. On that note, the mighty Mark Gurman went on the Jay and Farad Show podcast and offered the following predictions: – There literally won’t be any new hardware product announcements at WWDC, but […]