The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Pictures of the iTV remote

In case you can’t tell by my posts for the last couple of days, I’m really into the iTV. My unhealthy obsession is probably due to the fact I’ve been waiting forever to get a Mac mini for my home entertainment setup. First I was waiting for Intel, then for Core 2 Duo. For those who share my fascination: a new picture of iTV’s remote control popped up on the Interweb yesterday.


The Apple Core: I want my iTiVo

itv, tivo


The Apple Core: What’s on iTV? NetFlix or MacFlix?

I’ve been thinking about iTV a lot lately and something occurred to while watching 60 Minutes on Sunday. Apple could use Macworld Expo to announce a partnership with Netflix on the iTV.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Apple’s iTV: what the heck is it?

A friend really got me thinking about what, exactly, the iTV is. Currently I have more questions about it than answers.


Apple iTV Touted on 60 Minutes Segment

60 Minutes on CBS featured a segment on NetFlix and discusses DVD popularity and potential competition from online movie distribution. In the segment Apple ITV mentioned.