
Mozilla Releases Firefox 3.0.10 Update

Early Tuesday, released version 3.0.10 of its Firefox web browser. The new version, a 17.3 megabyte download, sports the following fixes and changes: Fixed a security issue. Fixed a major stability issue. The program requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later to install and run.


Carbon Copy Cloner Updated to 3.2.1

Late Monday, Carbon Copy Cloner, the shareware favorite for drive cloning operations by Mike Bombich, has released version 3.2.1 of the program. The new version, a 2.7 megabyte download, adds the following changes: Resolved interface issues with non-English localizations. Resolved an issue in which, in some circumstances, rsync was unable to create a directory if […]

MacBook Air

First-Gen MacBook Air Owners Cite Flaw in Hinge Construction

Given what you paid for the first-gen MacBook Air notebook, Hulking out may be entirely permissible given the following news: a number of owners of the notebook have cited a fundamental flaw in the notebook’s hinge constructions. According to MacNN, a number of users on the Apple Discussions board have noted that, after several months […]