The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Apple patent hints at satellite potential of iPod

Almost two years later Apple has filed for a patent which hints that a satellite radio accessory for the iPod may become a reality.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Make your own (RED) MacBook Pro

After Friday’s launch of the (PRODUCT) RED iPod nano to benefit The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, there are some rumblings that Apple may extend the program to include other products as well.


REVIEW: Speck ActiveSport Armband for iPod nano 2g

Speck Products is one of the first companies out of the chute with cases designed specifically for the 2g iPod nano. And boy are they cool…

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Apple announces red iPod nano

Apple is collaborating with U2 frontman Bono and Oprah Winfrey on a red iPod nano that will promote an AIDS charity – (PRODUCT) RED.


Why Microsoft Can’t Compete With iTunes

Secret answers that expose a series of myths about Microsoft’s ability to own new markets, how it uses its monopoly in the PC industry, and why its monopoly position won’t be of any help in fixing the company’s broken retial consumer electronics strategies.