The Apple Core

The Apple Core: What iPhone has going for it

Yesterday I took a shot at the iPhone for being long on compromises and short on utility and your comments were tremendous. Today I want to take a look at some of the positive aspects and potential of the iPhone.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: I don’t want an iPhone

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve been inundated with speculation and rumor about Apple’s iPhone. Am I the only one that doesn’t want one?


The Two Faced Monster Inside Zune

To counter Apple’s FairPlay DRM used in the iTunes Store, Microsoft worked with media producers to design a comprehensive DRM technology framework it named after the Roman god Janus. Here why it failed.


Microsoft Zune on Sale Tuesday, NYT: Yawn

NYT: Microsoft is probably the greenest company in all of high tech. Not green in the environmental sense — green with envy.


The Danger of DRM

The market for digital music was repressed for nearly a decade prior to the arrival of Apple’s iPod. Here’s why digital music languished for so long, how Apple was able to build a digital business, and why rivals are struggling to turn back the clock and return digital downloads into a legal black hole of onerous restrictions.