Apple on Friday released iOS 4.3.1, the latest update to its mobile operating system. The update includes a handful of bug fixes and security patches for iOS devices. Per Macworld, the update centers around a pair of graphics-related fixes: one for an occasional glitch on the 4th-generation iPod touch and one for flickering problems when […]
Tag: iPod
As nifty as the 2011 MacBook Pro notebooks are, there may be some debugging that needs to be done. Per AppleInsider, a number of early 2011 MacBook Pro owners report being unable to connect devices or maintain connections through iTunes Home Sharing. A support thread in Apple’s Discussion forums has received over 200 posts from […]
Even if iOS 4.3 is the greatest thing since sliced bread, there may be some bugs to work out. Per Engadget, reports have surfaced of iPod touch users having graphics glitches after updating to iOS 4.3. As seen in the video below, the problem looks like overlapping icons and “interference” on the screen: A growing […]
It’s the rumors that keep technology interesting. With that in mind, the iPhone mini is making the rounds with the cool cats at Cult of Mac stating that the smaller iPod smartphone combo may rely on the also rumored MobileMe cloud-based iTunes storage server for streaming content from user’s media libraries. Access to music, video […]
Apple Inc. announced Tuesday that first quarter profits rose more than 77% to US$6 billion, or US$6.43 per diluted share, driven by record sales in three of its four major product categories, thereby beating analysts’ predicted earnings in the process. Per AppleInsider, the company also posted record revenue of US$26.74 billion for the three-month period […]