iPhone Legal security

Unlocked San Bernadino iPhone providing some leads in investigation

In spite of all the controversy and kerfuffle surrounding the San Bernadino iPhone and the steps taken to unlock it, sources are indicating that the FBI is getting some useful information and leads from the device. Investigators are now more confident that terrorist Syed Farook didn’t make contact with another plotter during an 18-minute gap […]

Hardware iPhone Legal News

Apple vows to aid investigation surrounding electrocution of 23-year-old woman using charging iPhone 5

It’s hard to say where this will go. Per Reuters, Apple has said it will aid in the investigation of the death of a Chinese woman who was allegedly electrocuted when she answered a charging iPhone 5. Apple announced the company is “deeply saddened” by the “tragic incident” that killed 23-year-old Xinjiang woman Ma Ailun. […]